Graphical Facilitation

Come and participate in a course where you get to practice and learn to draw easily and efficiently on a whiteboard for a full day. No previous knowledge is required, ie you do not need to be able to draw in order to register for this course.

During the day you will get to practice drawing and illustrating. The course begins with basic shapes and then explores more advanced figures, symbols and different ways of creating framing, flows and outline. Afterwards, you will have higher confidence to grasp the pen and help the group by graphically visualizing the dialogue on the whiteboard. It can be about describing a vision, capturing ideas and suggestions, teaching abstract concepts or painting plans for the future. You will be able to help the group have more efficient and more engaging meetings, conversations and workshops.

The emphasis during the course is on practical exercises.

Topics covered during the training…

  • Basic shapes
  • Frames and flows
  • Lots of symbols that can be used in different contexts
  • Different formats / metaphors
  • Draw figures (people)
  • Headlines and subtitles
  • Disposition and layout

Objective and goal

The goal of the training is to practice drawing with whiteboard pens on whiteboard and to build a toolbox of figures, templates and techniques. What you learn will make you more confident with the pen when you visualize plans, teach, describe visions, capture what is said in a conversation or when explain abstract concepts.

What do others have to say about the course?

Here are some examples of quotes from previous trainings:

  • Inspiring!
  • Nice atmosphere and relaxed learning.
  • Great with many and very practical exercise 🙂
  • Great booklet with examples! I will benefit greatly from it.
  • At the beginning of the day, it felt like magic – but now I am confident to dare to try it myself in future meetings.

This training is for you whom…

…wants to learn how to paint and draw on whiteboards to better describe visions, plans and concepts, or to create structure in the conversation, capture suggestions and ideas or create consensus. You may have a role as a manager, developer, architect, Scrum Master, project manager, product owner or trainer.

Prior Knowledge

None (ie you do not need to be able to paint or draw)